Living Body Sensitive Body Guiltless Body. morning practices
February 10, 11 and 12 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am
free contribution
move liquids discover and expand internal spaces. Map sensations. Observe micromovements and let the little dance happen. All very simple and very happy.
February 10th and 11th from 2pm to 6pm
The Overflowing Body workshop brings an overview of what the artist Gabriel Machado has called "in search of an aesthetic of exaggeration", a less sanitized place for the work of art, a body in a state of overflow. Exercises will be proposed that seek to alter and provoke different bodily states from the friction between normal/abnormal, human/monster, reality/fiction, natural/artificial, body/machine. To this end, the work is based on the discussion about cyborg and grotesque from the junction of dissonant materials in the same body .
10 February from 7pm to 10pm
BRL 75
∞▲ Meeting of study, experience, practice and deepening on Tarot! ▲
To identify the strength and essence of this oracle in our daily lives and recognize it as a tool for personal development.
Tarot as a game possibility, creator of new cartographies, creative guide, storyteller, composer of new perceptions. We invite everyone to take a dip in this comprehensive and inspiring oracle covering the following topics:
⭒ Introduction to the history and origin of Tarot
⭒ Study of the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana, what are their particularities, how they relate to each other and how together they form a complete work.
⭒ Study of fables and myths related to Tarot
⭒ Tarot as a path of Self-knowledge
⭒ Reading exercises: we will learn specific reading options and study possible interpretations together.
✡ The invitation to this workshop is a deep dive into our intuition
- For beginners, learners and experienced.
Nude Yoga or Naked Yoga
February 11 at 7pm
BRL 50
Ah, the body, this temple, this feast, this power that we have right here. To know its power, it is necessary to embrace it, strip it of prejudices, repressions and see it with all the splendor it deserves. Yoga Nude encourages respect for oneself, for the other and to break moral paradigms related to nudity. In this practice, we will experience new states of connection and freedom, allied to the self-knowledge that Yoga provides.
February 13 from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
BRL 80.00 (material already included)
In BORDAR – REALINHAR O TIME, the textile artist Eunice Terres will present techniques, points, tips and incentives to bring out this new temporal look at the language and the proposals. It will facilitate the process by sharing experiences, exchanging knowledge, enabling subjective self-discoveries, meeting with oneself and with the other. For beginners or people who already have some experience with threads and needles. Each participant will receive a kit with all the materials needed for a new embroidery. Two vacancies will be free for low-income people, being black women and/or trans people.
February 13th and 14th from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm
hybrid scene: Wound Open Work
immersion and creation laboratory for artists who work with the body as a creative platform
In this workshop, I share exercises, dis-methods and propositions that make up the ongoing investigation that I have been developing over the last 10 years for the affective training of an artist who is the author of his own work. In a border territory and work in progress, we will build a wound open work using as a reference the autobiography of the performers and the discovery of their creation processes.
Self Practices - Experimentation Laboratory
15 and 16 of February from 10 am at 1 pm
BRL 70
with Ailén Scandurra and Ana Eduarda Diehl
Space to open up new transdisciplinary creative processes, access creative material from the investigation of our corporeality, space and relationships with x others, recognize and explore expressive powers and bring them to light. We will work with concepts and tools arising of performance, dance and audiovisual, having the body, writing and photographic and video recording as allies in the process. Movement creates image, which creates word, which creates movement. We will encourage keeping a logbook during the Lab, writing is a channel that opens from the body. During the process, photo and video records will be made as material for study.
Fantastic solutions to be what you want
16 of February from 1 pm at 5 pm
BRL 20
Experience for children aged 5 to 10 years
We call COLOMBINA the space where children carry out their own existences and have the opportunity to tell and retell, assemble and reassemble their own narratives, immersing themselves in the collective of the Casa Selvática organism and exercising among themselves the new modes of knowledge that emerged from this new group of Vedetes. !